“Share with us the part(s) of the book you
liked best and reasons for it”, and “Tell us how it met (or defied) your
My food-related book’s title is “The
Globalization of Chinese Food”, and finally I read the final chapter. It was my
favorite part of this book. It was about
how ethnic Chinese cuisine was developed in Beijing. In this chapter, the author
discusses the historical relationship of the re-construction of the Xinjiand
Road in Beijing. The street was filled up with traditional Chinese restaurants.
Of course, even now, some Chinese restaurants have long history there, however,
more and more other ethnic restaurants appear these days. The development of
the cuisine business in Xinjiang Road and the process of the creation of the
menus (how menus were created) reflect the history, and also they have adopted
different cultures. The story was interesting for me, because I thought Chinese
cuisine is unchanged dish. It has quite long history and Chinese food is well
known all over the world. I like Chinese food, and I often go to its
restaurants in Japan. There are not big differences depending on the
restaurants, so I thought Chinese food is universal. However after I read this
book, I realized that it has adopted Japanese culture. So I was shocked what I
have eaten regarded as Chinese traditional food varies from original one.
“Overview of the entire book”
Each chapter is written by different
authors, so the topics are various. But all chapters are related to the
globalization of Chinese food. I like to eat Chinese food, so what I liked best
about the book was that I could know its history and how spread
internationally. On the other hand, some
graphs are too detail and I couldn’t understand them, so it should be easier, I
“Tell us what foods you might want to try
or absolutely avoid as a result of reading the book”
I don’t
want to try the nest. The bird’s nest is sometimes used in Chinese food. Through
this book, I found there was a conflict between a tribe who believe the bird’s
nest should not be eaten and a group who sell it for business. The tribe
believes it is sacred, so I don’t want it, and I think there is no need to eat
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